Walentynki 2022 w SP Przysiersk

14 lutego w naszej szkole obchodziliśmy walentynki. Również w naszej szkole nie zabrakło elementów święta miłości i przyjaźni. Uczniowie klas 1-4 przygotowali dekoracje, które oddawały romantyczny nastrój tego wyjątkowego dnia. Natomiast uczniowie klas 4-8 zadbali o iście walentynkową atmosferę podczas lekcji online, poprzez walentynkowe tła oraz zdjęcia profilowe. Chętni uczniowie nagrali również piosenki o tematyce miłosnej. Natomiast uczennica klasy 8 Kornelia Siarkiewicz- Hoszowska napisała tekst w języku angielskim na temat tradycji walentynek w różnych krajach na świecie. Zapraszamy do obejrzenia galerii oraz do lektury.

Do you want to know how Valentine’s Day is celebrated in various countries? If yes, read the text below.
Valentine’s day in England
In England it was common for children to dress up as adults, visit houses and sing romantic songs. Most couples gave each other self-made cards in the shape of hearts with a picture of the most known lovers in the entire world – Romeo and Juliet.  In XIX century English people started sending cards to each other and later this habit became popular all across the Globe. The first romantic poem was written in England in XVI century. Norfolk county is known as the most romantic place in England. On this special day the pizzerias prepare a heart-shaped pizza.
Valentine’s day in the USA
Like in UK, people exchange love cards. Valentine’s Day is widely celebrated in the States. The most known tradition is gift giving, by couples, families or friends.
Many couples usually go on dates to restaurants or go to the cinemas to watch romantic movies. Most towns are usually decorated with red hearts, schools organize lessons and games dedicated to this day.  Every year Americans spend about 18 milliars dollars for gifts.
Valentine’s day in China
In China this day is celebrated in August and has a different name. It is related to a legend about a human lover and one of seven heavenly sisters. In which an angered goddess of heaven punished the lovers by drawing a line in the sky with her hair pin, separating them. Because of that Chinese women go to the river and put needles in water. If the needle doesn’t go under water, it means that the woman is ready to get married.
Valentine’s day in Japan
The Japanese tradition is completely different when compared to other countries. These are women who give gifts to men – both their friends and the beloved ones.  To differenciate intentions, chocolates are devided into two types: giri-choko which means for friends and honmei-choko – for men they’re in love with. The White Day is celebrated a month later, when men give presents to women.
Valentine’s day in Malesia
In this region of the world, a special competition for couples takes place. Couples are connected with handcuffs and they must stay togheter all day long to receive a money reward and to prove their love.

I wish happy Valentine’s Day to all readers!
Kornelia Siarkiewicz- Hoszowska kl. VIII

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